Saturday, February 9, 2008

For the love of. . . B&W?

My mom and J had the best time together, but my mom is the worst babysitter.  I got home and she ordered pizza, had friends over, the baby was still up.  Craziness.  But, I'm so ridiculously blessed to have her, and J. loves her to death so I don't even care.  Made my life so much easier for 2 hours.

I have to get printer ink this weekend, and print out some pictures.  I'm hoping to experiment with black and white.  I'm going to tell you up front that my love is color, but I would like to try out some B&W to rev up the old mojo.  Something different, exciting. I'm hoping anyway. 

So quick post, since I have photoshopping to do.  Happy Saturday all!


janel said...

Have fun. I do love Scott Kelby's book on photoshop..he gives such good tips on black and white conversion. I also installed Renn's actions on my Mac and she has a nice black and white conversion too. Hope you evening is good. I just printed out some pics myself.

Unknown said...

I love working in B&W. Can't wait to see what you come up with - I am sure it will be stunning.