I believe the secret to life is Mexican food. I hope and pray that when it's my time that St. Peter meets me at the gate wearing a sombrero and handing out tacos. That's my heaven. On earth, the best place I've found so far is Chipotle. We go every Sunday night. It's the day of rest and rice and beans. Everything is wonderful there, everything. Add guacamole and it's even better. If you don't live near a Chipotle, well I'd consider moving or opening your own. Really. Add a Jones soda, and life is beautiful. After it's all over though, I'll have to clean said rice and beans off the entire kitchen because J uses his hands to shovel it in. :(
We bought some movies this weekend-Madagascar and Over the Hedge. I would love to have bought Kung Fu Panda, but it's only in theaters. I can't take my 1.5 yr old, so I guess I'll have to wait. Have you seen it? Was it good? How appropriate is it for 1.5 yr old?
And I'm an awful friend. I forgot one of my best friend's birthday. So sorry sunni-j. I hope this makes up for it: (Micheal Miller Fabric Paper)
This is my latest Scribble Scrabble layout with the Baby Circus line (I think I'm going to start photographing 12 x 12 layouts on an easel, it's frustrating to get the borders straight because the layout is so heavy):

And this is just because (My Mind's Eye Paper with Cosmo Cricket letter):
Happy Monday everyone! And stay tuned, the Cosmo Cricket goodness should be arriving any minute now...