Still not much in a blogging mood today either. We went to the fire station and J got to sit in a fire truck. Then we went to the pumpkin patch, it's actually our local farm's market but it's huge and they have a really neat little area set up for the kids and pumpkins and everything. Of course I chased my child threw it all afternoon. We might have to take him back again this week just to wear him out. All these pics are still on my camera, need to upload them today. Esp because we are off again this afternoon.
Here is a quick Cosmo Cricket layout using
Supplies: (Not a digital layout) Cosmo Cricket Haunted Nevermore Patterned paper (both sides), Cosmo Cricket Haunted Blackboard-shaped bat, Cosmo Cricket Haunted Adhesive die cut bat sticker plus Bazzil Black and White Cardstock
I know J gets his intensity from me. And perhaps his hyperactivity. I hardly ever sit down I've realized, always doing something. Funny, it doesn't stop me from getting frustrated that
he won't sit still. Stubbornness also apparently runs in the family. Until tomorrow.
Really love this simple design! Very nice!
Get the "Hyperactivity" word out of your mind NOW! Yes, I realize I'm being bossy, but truly, he is way too young for that label. I know you are aware of many developmental concepts, so you probably really know that. But be careful because if you start to throw that word around people will attach it to him, and later that may become a huge regret. Is he generally happy? Is he playful? Good. Is that exhausting? Yep. For every mom out there that is an issue. I honestly found with my son who was always on the go, slept almost not at all, and was into everything, that getting outside really helped. It was a matter of just tons of energy on his part (along with some stubburn aspects) that brought us into clashes. I needed more sleep than he, so I was very intolerant of his ability to keep going when I just wanted to collapse. This all occured between 18 months and 2 years, maybe even 2.5 years. Then, it started to be at a pace I could keep up with or else I just quit noticing the issue. He remained active, but not dysfunctionally so. Other moms would comment about how much energy it took to keep up with him and that was really the only time I felt self concious about his activity level. Oh well, now in 3rd grade he's a good student, smart, happy, still spunky, but not a trouble maker at all. Your J will probably be just fine. He is at a challenging age. Pour your heart out about how hard it is - it's good to share these burdens. I don't mean to minimize your current experience at all. I just want to offer some hope. It is frightening to think that you can't keep up with your child and that it seems to take every ounce of energy you've got to keep him under control. But it will get better - I promise!
Simply beautiful layout!
Love going to the pumpkin patch, tiring, but fun!
What a gorgeous LO! I love the title too. :)
cute cute cute!
Love the graphic feel to it, and what a darling photo of mr. happy!
I do LOVE that layout...the blocks work so well!
Such a cute layout!! I so love your creativity!! Thinking of you today!!
Beautiful eye catching!!
can it be BOTH? LOL!
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