This day 3 years ago, dh and his men were seriously injured when an IED was detonated while there vehicle drove by. Dh and K spent time in the San Antonio Burn Unit, and M was killed instantly.

The rose is from his wife. Today, here is what I know:
1. I will never be over it, but I can learn to live with it peacefully.
2. I'm so grateful dh is alive and functional in all aspects of his life.
3. I'm so sad for M., for M's wife, for M's family.
4. I feel badly for K and K's family too, as he is significantly disabled.
5. I remember that phone call and that day so vividly, and later on I took my dog and went for a drive in my truck down to the river. I stopped beside a flag pole and really looked at the flag. There seemed to me a lot of red (blood) on the flag, a great deal of men/women have died for us, for our freedom, for this way of life. I have never forgotten that when I have since seen a flag.
We shouldn't forget.
That's horrible! but I'm glad your DH made it!
Your post realy spoke to me - a couple of weeks ago it was the 3rd anniversary of my DH being run over. He's pretty much fine now, but it took a long time - especially emotionally/mentally. Coming so close to losing him made us appreciate him so much more.
Thinking of you and 'M's fmily at this difficult time.
Wow. I don't know what else to say. I can't imagine.
My heart goes out to you and everyone involved in the incident or any other incidents like that one. It is tragic and makes me sad. It also reminds me to be so grateful for all those who are willing to sacrifice. Thank you!
What a very scary, sad and tragic thing to go through, my friend. Thinking of you, your family and the families of the other soliders. BIG hugs.
Girl, i shivered while reading your post! what an awful experience. *hugs*
And I remember that phone call from you telling me about it, and it makes my stomach hurt just thinking about it.
Big hugs!
Thanks for posting the photo, as it is a necessary reminder of the real impact of what is going on and the sacrifices being made.
God Bless you...I 'm so sorry about the tragedy that occured. **HUGS***
Thanks for the reminder of the personal sacrifice your family and many others have made to secure my freedom. Please tell your DH Thank You for his service.
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