Earlier Halloween afternoon I decided I was feeling a bit sorry for myself that dh wasn't there for the holiday. I quickly decided to douse my pity party with guacamole and we headed to Chipotle. When we pulled into the parking lot it was pure chaos. Teens everywhere, yelling back and forth to each other. Teens running out of Safeway with Reynold's wrap. Teens wearing said wrap in a bizarre fashion. They hurried past J and I into Chipotle, where apparently if you were dressed in a costume that resembled a taco or burrito your meal was free. Genius, love Chipotle. Next year I'm going to find a way to go as guacamole. Or at least a taco. I am.
Saturday I decided that I needed a flu shot. J already got his earlier in the month. I'm not sure why I thought that would be a good idea, it ended up being a weekend killer. If you haven't had it yet, a couple of points about the flu shot. I've had them every year for almost 10 years now and this one was the worst for me yet. The worst arm pain, instant, unable to lift my arm over my head for 24 hours, still sore now 72 hours out. Major arm pain. Second point, this is not the shot you want to get first thing in the morning. I was exhausted instantly, like before I ever hit the door to go home. I don't know how I made it through the evening, and I was passed out in bed at 7:45pm, about 15 mins after J. I felt better after sleeping for 11 hours, but still. Brutal, that's how I would describe it this year. I looked it up in my Rx resource and they changed all 3 flu strains in the vaccine this year, a first for them. But all that said, it is important so don't let any of this deter you, just get it in the afternoon.
Here is the layout from Memory Makers Magazine Nov/Dec. :
Okay, now I'm dreading flu shot, but know I have to get one because everytime I miss it I get the flu - ugh! Great layout!
Your layout is adorable!
Sorry about your flu shot reaction. The only time I used to get the flu, was oly after I got the shot. I stopped getting them a few years ago and I haven't gotten the flu.
But... do what you must.
this is EXACTLY why I'm nervous getting a flu shot, or my kids getting one. I hear so much conflicting information ... you CAN get the flu from it, you CAN'T get the flu from it.
It's frustrating.
so sorry about the flu shot. can you do the nasal mist in the future? our base clinic prefers using that one for those who can take it.
and i'm a wimp about the flu shot. i never get one. i know. but i can't remember the last time i had the flu. maybe seven years ago.
Just a darling layout. Love that you used all those rub ons!
Feel better soon and hoping that your week is a good one!
Sorry about your flu shot. What a bummer. Love your page. Congrats on LOTD!
great layout...
sorry about the flu, i will not get the shot again - every year for the last several it has made me sick, so I am done with it.
I never get a flu shot, I hate needles! lol Sorry you have such a bad reaction. And thanks for making me drool with the mexican food. yum!
Great layout and congrats on having it be featured over at 2peas :)
A lady I know from another site said that she uses those little cold patches that you can get for fever relievers for shot pain and it helps a lot...not that it helps you now, but maybe in the future...sorry it was so bad!
Yep, I got the flu shot last month and it was a doozie. bleck.
I love, love, love your MM layout. We had that sheet of rubons in the DT kit from Jill last month. LOVE em!
I had no problem with my flu shot at all. Sorry you did. I loved that layout as soon as I saw it and was super excited to see it was from you. Congrats girl. It rocks!
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