Been so busy the past two days. I took Sami to the vet yesterday, for the $700 ear infection part two. This time it only cost $200. Can anyone tell me if these vet prices are unreasonable? I just have to know (appt $60, ear cytology $30, ear cleaning $25, various medications including oral and external antibiotics plus a course of steriods $75.) I love this dog, I just keep telling myself that. And I keep trying to forget how far $200 would go at this time of the year. He is resting comfortably, for a dog so nearly done in by ear infections:
I'm trying to think of a good thanksgiving post to go along with this new Scribble Scrabble layout, but I don't think Cynthia will mind me posting it early here while I think about it. The little cross stitching element was inspired by SS girl Stephanie Garbett. So talented that girl, recently won Scrapbooker of the Year UK. Such a fun little touch I think. Using the Autumn Afternoon Scribble Scrabble collection:

I've been cleaning up this morning since my parents are stopping by for a little bit this weekend on their way to visit my aunt. An interesting thing happened this morning while I was cleaning with J. I have these marble coasters (a wedding gift from my sister). I guess J went over and took the coasters and put them in his ride-on toy, in the compartment last night. Well, he broke one of them in half. I don't know how or when this occurred. I am guessing though that he must have done it taking the coasters in and out of the toy, that the weight of the other coasters flung on top of it must have done it.
Anyway, he comes over to me and takes me by the hand this morning and leads me to the riding toy. He opens the compartment and very slowly takes out one half of the coaster. He hands it to me and very sheepishly says "Uh oh." I say, "oh J." Then he digs through the compartment to find the other half. Does the same thing "Uh oh." Now, I knew at that point I had a choice. I had to choose between getting really pissed that he did this or really thankful that he told the truth. I decided to go with the latter. Since I didn't see him break it, it didn't seem right to punish him now for then, whenever then was. So I picked him up and hugged him and I told him thank you for telling me the truth. I wish it hadn't been broken, but I'm happy you told me the truth. I think that was the right thing to do, it felt right. Not bad for a little guy, he's only 23 months, and does not really having a vocabulary to say I'm sorry yet.
Happy Friday. Hope your's isn't full of rain.
Happy Friday. Hope your's isn't full of rain.
Love that little niblet of stitching on that there layout, Danielle!
Ah, such a cute story!! Love it, and yes you did the right thing!
I can't see the "niblet of stitching" pic at all for me. Now I really wonder what a "niblet" is!
love that my word verification is...
Yes, you did the right thing with the coasters. With my son I've had to take the attitude of "its just stuff" because although never maliciously, he often is involved in something being broken or lost. Less as he's getting older, but man, there were some things that I wanted to cry and instead had to tell him how much I loved him.
As for vet bills, those actually look pretty much like what we're paying here, which is not just chump change. Man, these animals, large and small can cost a fortune.
For some reason I can't see the layout, but I am curious.
My computer won't let me see your layouts. Dang...I love your work. I will check back later on my home computer.
I don't have any pets, but from what I hear from friends your bills seem pretty close to what they are paying. YIKES!
Hope your pup is on the mend. No pets for us so I don't know about the vet bills, but ouch!! Love the LO! The stitching is perfect. So cute that your DS told you. Mine tries to be sneaky, but he is really bad at it so it is very cute :)
Gorgeous layout!
And your poor doggy...ouch!!
Why are vets more expensive than doctors??? Lucky you love him ;o)
Geez... that's an expensive ear infection! Vets around here are really expensive. I've taken our dogs to one place that's fairly cheap, but you can't make an appointment and it's very crowded. :( I think another visit is in my near future... not looking forward to it.
Cute story and LO!
vet bills aren't cheap... we spent a LOT more on an overdose emergency. Too bad we love our little buggers so much, huh? ;) (we spent $2000 on a vet emergency earlier this year!!!)
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