Monday, July 26, 2010

Me vs the to-do list

Having a hard time getting my act together to blog lately. It's a casualty of going back to work I suppose. I'm juggling, but clearly I'm not juggling fast enough or very well. 2 weeks is the longest break I've ever taken from blogging, and I kind of miss it.

I've been doing some things for the AC blog and I will have some layouts to share this week. I get that our relationship is built upon me showing the pages and you coming to see them and if you are here reading this, then I haven't been holding up my end of that bargain this month. But things will improve. I've just needed time to adjust to a new reality lately.

This is J with his pillow pet:
So cute! And a photo he took of me:
He loves to take photos with my camera. He's very careful and it cracks me up when he takes a photo like this one and looks at the play back screen and says "Oh love that one!" Wonder where he gets it from. :) Happy Monday to you! Until tomorrow.


janel said...

Well for me...I love seeing your smiling face. Layouts are just icing on the cake. Have a great week, and keep handing that camera to J....very cute.

NoraAnne said...

Oh, I know the feeling with being back to work! Hopefully you will fall into a rhythm soon, I've been back for a year and don't have the hang of it yet-LOL!
Love the picture of J and his pillow pet, my little guy has one too and he adores it!

Sweet Peripety said...

aww that is a sweet photo of you! and my kids want a pillow pet! LOL! they looks quite comfy. happy monday!!!!

A Soldier Girl said...

It can get busy with juggling more than one thing girl I completely understand that lifestyle. Love the pics .. sweet photos ..

Look forward to more of your work always enjoy it over at AC

Michelle said...

Oh, cute! :) My lil brother is a lil photo bug, too - totally sweet that he inspects and admires his photos!! he he. :)

Keshet said...

Aw, cute photo! No worries, all changes take time to adjust to.